movies reviews

Son of God – Review


Here’s another movie of the story of Jesus. We’ve all seen this before, so I really feel I can say pretty much anything about this movie without any surprises.

If you grew up in my household, you would of seen the movie, “Jesus of Nazareth” every Easter. In fact with commercials I remember that thing being a 2 night even spanning about 6-8 hours. I would say this is a more condensed version of that classic. By my opinion, that’s a good thing.


This is a story we’ve all seen before, so it would of been nice to see something we’ve never seen on the big screen. But, this does the same old thing. We see about 3 minutes of Jesus’ birth. Then we are taken to Jesus at age 30. Wait a minute? What about Jesus entering the temple at age 12? What about him being a carpenter? None of that is shown. Instead they focus half the movie on the crucifixion like Bible movie does.


This movie is good for what it is. But, I would of liked to see some different aspects of Jesus taken in to place in this movie. In fact at times, this movie looks like it could of just been made for the History Channel and not the big screen. Unfortunately, this is not the best of Jesus on film. 2.5 / 5

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